Sunday, October 19, 2008

Looking For A Home

(from Jessica)

Today was a very productive day . . . the Penguin Ranch 2008 team is now complete with Kathi’s arrival, and we finally found a site for the Ranch! 

Paul returns to the PB from Ranch site recon on snowmobile

Paul on snowmo_small

Paul, Brendan, Kozue, and I headed out yesterday with a Pisten-Bully and two snowmobiles to check out the area Paul had spotted from the helicopter. 

Kozue and Jessica find ways to amuse themselves in the PB while awaiting return of recon party

Kozue and Jessica in PB

After Paul and Brendan combed the area on snowmobile looking for any cracks while Kozue and I waited patiently in the Pisten Bully, we determined that the ice looked quite good in the area.  We left some flags to mark our territory and set the boundaries for our new home.

Brendan and Kozue with the Pisten Bully near the Penguin Ranch site

Brendan Kozue with PB

Cass diligently continued readying the lab for her assays.

Cass hard at work on lab set-up

Cass in lab_small

and Kathi assumed her role as computer guru by starting work on a poster for the Crary lab for this season.

Kathi invokes master computer skills and initiates the lab poster

Kathi making poster_small

We are off again this morning to plot out the best route for the ranch, and will flag the road as we go.